To change the settings, click on the website you moved into the Live Websites folder in Step #1.

Here are some settings we suggest that you change:

  • Change the Name from the template name to your website name.
  • Change the Path to match your website. Make sure it is all lowercase, like /website-name.
  • Add the ADA Plugin script (see below for the script).
  • Add the link to your Favicon.

ADA Plugin Script

Option #1: You can go to a company like UserWay, set up an account, get the script, and add it to your settings.

Option #2: You can copy and paste the Image Building Media UserWay script below:

         var s = d.createElement("script");
         /* uncomment the following line to override default position*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-position", 3);*/
         /* uncomment the following line to override default size (values: small, large)*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-size", "small");*/
         /* uncomment the following line to override default language (e.g., fr, de, es, he, nl, etc.)*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-language", "language");*/
         /* uncomment the following line to override color set via widget (e.g., #053f67)*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-color", "#053e67");*/
         /* uncomment the following line to override type set via widget (1=person, 2=chair, 3=eye, 4=text)*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-type", "1");*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-statement_text:", "Our Accessibility Statement");*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-statement_url", "")";*/
         /* uncomment the following line to override support on mobile devices*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-mobile", true);*/
         /* uncomment the following line to set custom trigger action for accessibility menu*/
         /* s.setAttribute("data-trigger", "triggerId")*/
         s.setAttribute("data-account", "j71L6Dgq43");
         s.setAttribute("src", "");
         (d.body || d.head).appendChild(s);})(document)
Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of 
<a href="">website accessibility</a>