The Client Portal Notifications feature consolidates all notifications from the client portal and its associated child apps into a centralised location – the Notifications Tab. This allows users to conveniently access and manage all their notifications within the application. 

In This Article

How to access Notification?

  • Navigate to the Bell icon within the application.
  • All notifications, including those from child apps (courses, communities), will be listed in the same place.
  • Click on each notification to view details or take relevant actions.
    All notifications for all community groups, will be found under the same place. For all in-app notifications, users get email notifications too
    Note: All notifications sent via Client Portal (including commuities) are charged.

What notifications you will receive?

Here's a list of notifications you will encounter in Notifications Tab:

In-app notification typeChild - App
In - App Notifications
Email notifications
Tagged in a CommentCommunities
Tagged in a PostCommunities
@everyone  in comment Communities
@everyone  in post Communities
Request to join (User)Communities
Request to join (Admin)Communities
Membership approvedCommunities
Membership declinedCommunities
New Course added in Learning Tab (User)Communities
New LikeCommunitiesN/a
New CommentCommunities
New reply on comment